EFT Stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It’s literally meant to free you of your emotions. Emotions that so often stand in our way of achieving the things we truly want in our lives.

EFT is practiced by tapping on different meridian points on our bodies, while talking through how we feel. We generally want to start with a goal of how we would like to feel while assessing how we feel in the moment of tapping.

EFT can be very powerful for a lot of people because it not only allows you to work towards a goal but it also allows you to feel your feelings. Not only through saying them out loud, but feeling them in your body as well!

Some of the benefits of EFT have been shown to be weight loss, pain reduction, anxiety reduction, stress reduction, calming your nervous system, alleviate depression, Lower Cortisol Levels, more self confidence, more easily manifesting and so much more!

EFT has been shown to be very useful in individuals that have Depression, Anxiety and even PTSD. You can check out this study here: EFT Tapping improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health

I have personally used tapping to work through my driving anxiety after a time where I got in a few accidents pretty close together. I realized how much it helped me to work through how I felt and get myself to a better place. I had not had this experience with other modalities I tried for anxiety such as talk therapy, positive affirmations and meditation. Not that those things didn’t help somewhat, I just didn’t notice the same end result that I did with tapping.

I’m so glad you found EFT Tapping and encourage you to try it if it feels right to you! Check out my free guided tappings, courses and how to work with me 1:1 if you have very specific needs. Feel free to email me at hello@nicoleforreal.com if you have any questions about EFT!